Woodcarving Tree Bottle Stopper
Instructor: Dale Thompson
4 Tuesdays, Nov. 9—Nov. 30
6:00—8:00 PM
M: $50 NM: $55 +Material fee $10
Class Limit: 8 ??
Join in on this fun wood carving class with Dale! This cute tree or Santa tree bottle stopper would make a great gift or to add to your kitchen!
Woodcarving Tree Bottle Stopper Class
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 9, 2021
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
4 Tuesdays, Nov. 9—Nov. 30
6:00—8:00 PM
Community Arts Center
1217 Menoher Blvd.
Johnstown, PA 15905
Members: $50
Non-members: $55